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发表时间:2015-04-10 来源:   [浏览次数]:

美国中华医学基金会-365体育官方唯一入口精神卫生政策合作项目(CMB-Central South University Collaborating Program on Mental HealthPolicy)设立于2012年,其主要目的是通过培训、研究、提供技术支持等途径促进中国精神卫生政策发展。本项目第二期从2015年开始,到2017年结束,主要内容之一是培训精神卫生政策研究领域的高级人才。








Recruitment for post-doctoral researchers on MentalHealth Policy

CMB -CentralSouth University Collaborating Program on Mental Health Policy, initiated in2012, aims to promote the development of mental health policy in China viatailored training, research, providing technological support, etc. This programstarted its second round in 2015 and will complete in 2017, with trainingsenior professionals in mental health policy research as one of its majorgoals.

From 2015 to2017, each year the program will recruit two post-doctoral researchers fromChinese Mainland and one post-doctoral researcher from overseas (including HongKong, Macao and Taiwan). The recruited researchers are entitled to participatein the forums/workshops held in CSU with international experts, and complete amental health policy related project under the guidance of mentors home andabroad. The project title could be the decision of the researcher or assignedby the mentor team.

The Chineseresearchers can join in the CSU Post-Doctoral Station for a two-year tenure andbe entitled a proposal of benefit and additional subsidy by the program.Researchers will also be funded for international or domestic conference onmental health policy research.

The applicantsshould 1) have the background in relevant fields, including but not limited toclinical medicine, public health, health management, public management, law,etc.; 2) have a doctoral degree in above-mentioned fields to join in the CSUPost-Doctoral Station, 3) have been well trained academically with goodcommunication skills and can do academic writing and communicate in English inconferences; 4) have published as first author or correspondence author on peerreviewed English journals; and 5) be born after 1975.

Please emailyour application to Ms. Xie Yun at xieyun@csu.edu.cn or contact Prof. XiaoShuiyuan at xiaosy@live.com. The application includes: 1) Application Form forPost-doctoral Searchers on Mental Health Policy at CSU(see attached); 2) CV, 3)Scanned diploma and degree certificate; 4) photocopy of major publications and5) brief cover letter.  

CentralSouth University School of Public Health

CentralSouth University Center for Global Health

